From the Class Room: Everyone Has a Worldview Part 2
When I first started teaching worldviews to high school students, I was given a big book. You know the ones that you could use as a door stop! There was so much information that allot of it went over my students head. So the following year I began to narrow down the questions and information, making it easy for my students to understand and remember! Attending Christian school as a child and teenager, I was given a great foundation in Biblical knowledge, yet my weakness was explaining why I believed the way I did and facts to support it. I wanted to create a tool/system that would stick with my students once they graduated. Even today I will run into former students and quiz them, and I would say that about half of them still remember these simple questions. Some have even told me that they have used them in writing papers for their classes! It's four questions, I call them The Four Basic Questions. Here they are: Basic Question #1: How do you see the world created? Basic Ques