
Showing posts from August, 2013

Summer Series 2013: Part 3-Seek God First

We are at the part of Proverbs 3:5 that reads "...lean not on your own understanding,...".  I am reminded of the classroom when I read this.  There are two types of students.  One who ask the teacher questions when they do not understand the assignment, and the one who is too embarrassed to ask, so they ask a friend.  I am sure that we have been one of these students at one time.  A student turned in their test to me which had an essay question.  When I returned the test back to the student he was surprised that he was marked down for his answer.  He was positive that he was right, it was in his notes!  When I shared with him the answer he was a little upset.  The person he got his notes from did not have the right answer!  If only the student would have come to the source to check his notes and simply ask, "Can I check my notes with yours Mr. Limon.”   “No problem!   Here you go!”   Many times we are like that student!  When issue and situations arise, who do you r

Summer Series 2013 Part 2: With All Your Heart

God says,  “I look at the heart.”  Man says, “I look at Facebook.”  Since the creation of Facebook we as a global community have become smaller.  One evening I was messaging a friend from the content of Africa!  I’ve been reconnecting with friends and family that I have not seen in years!  It’s a great tool to keep up with someone, yet this wonderful tool sometimes gives us a glimpse into the heart of man.  Pictures posted that question ones character or witness.  In our information world there is such a need to let everyone know what is going on!  I will admit when I started Facebook I was posting everything!  Now, I watch what I post and keep it simple…a special family event, vacation pics, and a few comments here and there.  Everybody does not need to know everything going on in my life!  Yet for some reason our culture wants to make sure we know everything, and sometimes I see pics or receive information that I just do not want to see or hear!  In the last year I have seen for