
Every year about this time former students make their way back to my class room to say hi and catch up. Graduation announcements from universities and wedding invitations come in the mail all announcing this life changing event! I remember one summer there was a knock on the front door of our home. Angie answered the door and said there is a former student who wants to say hi. It was Vince. Vince apologized for the intrusion but was in the area and had to stop by to say hello. He had just finished college and was on his way to the east coast to the military, where he was going to become a pilot. As we visited in the back yard I was taken back to the time this young man shared his dream with me. I was sitting at my desk and Vince (he was sixteen years old) was across from me. As we talked about life and future goals he shared with me his dream to be a pilot in the US Navy. From then on Vince would always say, "Mr. Limon one day I am going to fly!" My response was always the same..."Vince I know you can do it! Never give up on that dream!" Today he is 1st Lt. USMC Naval Aviator for our troops. I have to admit, I do love this time of the year. You never know who you will impact. Are they listening? Do they get it? Will they remember? Yet every year they come back to say thanks or to just fill me in on their life. Its at that moment that you know that you connected with that young person. That connection, at that moment, makes every lecture and time spent with them worth it! In my career there have been many times where I have just wanted to throw in the towel and walk away. Times in life where I just wanted to give up. But then that "connection" comes by and reminds me of my call. Connected to that which you love to do, is fulfilling.

What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil—this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him. Ecclesiastes 3:9-14

What do you love to do? What is your passion? What gifts has God given to you? Are you using them to connect with those on your team? That Sunday morning, when I spoke to those who attended the Anton Area Puerto Vallarta trip in 2010, there was a connection that brought fulfillment to my soul. God had given me an opportunity to use my gifts and talents to connect with those who where there! Never stop connecting with people! Whether it be your meetings or appointments people are waiting for you to connect with them! Some will walk away, but there will be those who you connected with. They may write you a card or just whisper, "Thanks." There will be times in your business when the dream seems out of reach. Stay connected, for when you least expect it, those "connections" will happen and become God's reminder that He has you at the right place, at the right time. Connected.

His call. His gifts. Your purpose. Irrevocable.


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