2013 Fall Series Generation to Generation Part 3: Seeing is believing!

Parents…live out your faith!  Seeing is believing!

“You teach what you know and reproduce who you are.” 
                                                     - Dr. Jim Reeve
When I was a young boy, I walk into my grandfather Limon’s home and I look down the hall to see where he was.  I will never forget this image.  The sun was shining bright through the blinds while my grandfather sat in his chair with his blanket wrapped over his legs and the Bible open on his lap.  From a distance I noticed his eyes closed, so I tip toed quietly towards his room.  Thinking he was asleep, I could hear words being spoken.  My grandfather was praying and talking with God. I just stood there for a moment and listened as he conversed with God.  Or the visit I had with my uncle who was in tears as when a song came on while he  watched a video of the “Gather Coming Home” series.  A song that talked of God’s faithfulness and the moment that he looked at me and began to share with me what God had done in his life!  Those memories will forever be etched in my mind!  Yet it is those memories that lack in today’s Christian home.  Memories that allow a young person to see the faith of their parents lived out before them or a visual that brings God alive to the members of a family unit. 
If there is a battle in my classroom, this has to be one of the biggest.  I could talk about God’s favor.  I can talk about God’s faithfulness.  I can even bring up God’s changing power, but if it is not lived out at home, the seeds will fall on hard soil that will never grow deep into the rich soil of God’s mercy.  Mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, aunt and uncle…it starts with you!  As I shared with you in the last blog, remember the words of Psalm 78:4-8:

“We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments; and that they should not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation whose heart was not steadfast, whose spirit was not faithful to God.”         

We have a responsibility as parents to show our children the greatness of God.  In my career I have seen so many parents enroll their child into a Christian school or drop them off at youth group in hopes that we speak life into them, yet at home there is no peace or example.  Every year I challenge my parents to understand that their child’s growth in the Lord is a team effort, not mine alone.  There have been times that I have walked into my children’s room to say good night, and there they are reading God’s Word.  Yes, they heard it from the pulpit.  Yes, they heard it at their school. But, where did they learn to have a time with God?  They saw their mommy and daddy doing it, which in turn made it real to them.  My prayer now is that God’s Word buries itself into their hearts so when they are old it will not depart from them.   Here are three simple ways to pass on your relationship with God to your children.

1. Church at home.  If you do not make it to church on Sunday, have a Family Time, where you read God’s word together.  This is a great time to share what the Scripture is saying and how it applies to their life.  As a parent, you become the preacher for the day!  I like to use the Observation, Interpretation and Application method.  Observe any important things in the passage.  Put those important things into your own words (without changing the context of Scripture!).  Then share how that passage applies to your life and those listening.

2.  Pray with your child.  Besides at the dinner table, when was the last time your child heard you pray for them?  Do not miss these great opportunities: Right before heading off to school; before bedtime; before going on a trip; when your child shares with you a situation; or when no one is suspecting anything, a simple, “How can I pray for you today?”.

3.  Share God’s faithfulness.  This is my favorite!  Why?  Because I am able to share my history with my children!  Depending on what age they were, I would share what God did for me as a child, teenager and adult.  Be wise when you share.  You do not want to share your drunken escapades with a five year old!  Keep in mind the age of your child and may your testimony be age appropriate. As children (and even as teenagers) I would sometimes lay down in bed with my child and shoot the breeze about God’s faithfulness in my life.  The conversation would start with “How was your day?”, which would lead into a question about God.  It would give me an opportunity to share my testimony when I accepted Christ as Savior or a family member who impacted my life.  These times where special, as each of these times brought an opportunity to ask my children if they wanted to accept Christ as their Savior.  Now that my children are reaching adulthood, it makes it easier to share with them adult situations I have gone through and where God showed himself to me.  They now come to my wife and I and ask, “Can you pray for me?” or “I don’t get tis about God?”  I have their attention now, because I invested time with them as a child.

Father and mother…you are the greatest influence in your child’s life!  We only have a short time to make a lifelong impact in their life.  So do not miss the opportunity!  You want to impact someone’s life?  Start with your child.  With Christmas just around the corner, what a great opportunity we have to share the hope of God through Christ with our children. Let the hope we share through Christ shine through you!  Seeing is believing!

His call.  His gift to you.  Your purpose.  Irrevocable.
Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!


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