2013 Fall Series: Generation to Generation Part 2: Death of Church

The Death of Church…did that grab your attention?  Being involved in ministry as pastor and teacher for the last twenty-three years, this is an observation of what I have seen as the Church tries to be effective in culture that relies on the knowledge of man to define truth.  I believe that the best days of the church are yet to come!  Just as in the birth of the church where signs and wonders was the norm, today’s church is on the verge of a global break through!  People are looking for the answers to the “why?”, and I believe we as Disciples of Christ have that answer!  As you look around the world, God is changing people’s lives by the second!  A friend of mine, who works for and travels with the Billy Graham Crusades, introduced me to the following website that records real time decisions to follow Christ:  http://godrev.jesus.net/joy-in-heaven/ .   When I first opened up the website, chills flowed through my body as I saw people making decisions throughout the world for Christ!  People, God’s church and the gospel message of Christ will never go away!  The way we present it may change in order to reach the un-churched and the way we challenge those who sit in our congregations, but the life changing message of Christ will never change.  

In the last twenty years I have seen a shift in the culture of the church.  There has been a focus on creating more programs and events in hopes to attract a certain part of culture in the community, a smorgasbord of sorts in hopes to connect with everyone.  This shift is creating “touchy-feel good” moments in church instead of focusing on the relationship between God and man found through Christ.  I have heard sermons that are watered down and liberties that are taken to explain Scripture that sometimes can be taken out of context in hopes not to “offend” people.  If we are just creating programs to have a “touchy-feeling” moment, this generation will catch on and move to the next “touchy-feeling” moment when it comes along.  This can be dangerous, and the church could lose its authority as the spiritual bedrock of a community if the church does not focus on the simple message of Christ.  I am not talking about an emotional feeling that comes and goes when we enter a worship service, but a life changing moment that comes from God’s grace and the insertion of man’s life changing story of the faithfulness of God through Christ!  Instead of a church trying to be “real” with others, it is about people being real with others.  There is one area that I personally believe is vital to the growth and retention of the church.  Tell the next generation!

In a recent poll by George Barna he found the following concerning the twentysomething crowd:
He found that twentysomethings were nearly 70% more likely than older adults to strongly assert that if they "cannot find a local church that will help them become more like Christ, then they will find people and groups that will, and connect with them instead of a local church."  They are also significantly less likely to believe that "a person’s faith in God is meant to be developed by involvement in a local church."
Barna continues,  
“Another shift, is to develop teenagers’ ability to think and process the complexities of life from a biblical viewpoint. This is not so much about having the right head knowledge as it is about helping teens respond to situations and decisions in light of God’s principles for life.  Also, we have learned that effective youth ministries do not operate in isolation but have a significant role in training parents to minister to their own children.” (https://www.barna.org/barna-update/article/16-teensnext-gen/147-most-twentysomethings-put-christianity-on-the-shelf-following-spiritually-active-teen-years#.Uqx4vSf5mSo)
I believe we have a responsibility in this “many ideas-stimulated” culture to tell the next generation about the greatness of God.  In Psalms 78 it is written:
“My people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth with a parable; I will utter hidden things, things from of old—things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us. We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel,
which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.  They would not be like their ancestors—a stubborn and rebellious generation, whose hearts were not loyal to God, whose spirits were not faithful to him. ”
As ministers of the Word we have a responsibility to tell the next generation the observations of Scripture that directs us to God’s omnipotence and life changing message of Jesus Christ that saves us from death.  We also have a responsibility to share the observations of Scripture that deals with the ethical responsibilities we have towards man and God.  Telling the next generation is about making Gods word applicable to a generation who is looking for connections and answers.    This Psalm screams out to us….

“We will not hide……”

                                       “.…we will tell…”

                                                                     “….teach their children….”

What a great responsibility we have as speakers of God’s Word!  I know that whenever I speak, people are not always going to remember every word.  They may not even remember the topic!  Yet my prayer is simple.  “Lord give me Your Word to speak to the people, that they may hear You and not me!  Give me the opportunity to tell them about You!  For I know that if you can change and impact my life…I know you can do it for them.”   Some have said the Church is on its way out.  Others have prophesied the death of the church.  Yet I write, it’s just the beginning!  The church may have its flaws, but I believe that if the church tells of Gods wonder and greatness inside and outside of its doors, we will see a spiritual awaking as people search for purpose in our chaotic world.  Where I see chaos, I see an opportunity to tell the next generation the faithfulness of God!  Wherever God leads me and my family may his Word be known to the generations!  NOW GO and tell the next generation of his wonders and grace!

His call.  His gift to you.  Your purpose.  Irrevocable.


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