Stones of Remembrance

I love this time of the year! Thanksgiving week kicks off the holiday season! So many memories and so much to be thankful for! The day my parents brought my brother home and I held him for the first time. Going to McDonald's with my grandfather as a little boy. Christmas day at grandma and grandpa's house. The day I gave me heart to Christ. My wedding day. The birth of my children. I could go. Each memory is like a stone of remembrance. In the Old Testament it was common for people to put up a "stone of remembrance" that shared an event that took place on the site. We do the same today, they are called historical markers. About a month ago I was traveling to a soccer match in the foothills and came to a single road out in nowhere! It was a small town with about five or six homes. It was odd to me. Where did this little town, no bigger than a football field come from? As we drove through I passed a landmark! I had to stop and read it, I was really curious. Come to find out it was an old mining town founded by Mexicans during the gold rush years! At one time the town was full of life with a salon and hotel. Each of these landmarks help us take a look back at our history. In this season of thanksgiving, what stones of remembrance do you have that you can look back at and see the hand of God move in your life? I came across a sermon I did about six or seven years ago, titled "Stones of Remembrance", which I believe is appropriate for the season. As you give thanks this Thanksgiving day, be reminded of the stones erected in your life.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

His call. His gift to you. Your purpose. Irrevocable.


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