Gideon: The Leader Within Prt. 3

con•fi•dence: full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing

I love to see the underdog rise to the top. I think we all do! Gideon was an underdog. In the first week we see the fear and his belief in the lack of ability, drive him to God. We see Gideon test God by making sure that it was God and not him thinking these farfetched ideas. As we see Gideon receive his answers, we begin to see a different Gideon. A Gideon, who is filled with confidence. A Gideon, that is not full of fear, but full of belief that God will do what he said He would do! The “mighty warrior” that was proclaimed back in Judges 6:12, starts to come to pass.

Confidence #1: “Belief in the power of God”
“Watch me,” he told them. “Follow my lead. When I get to the edge of the camp, do exactly as I do. When I and all who are with me blow our trumpets, then from all around the camp blow yours and shout, ‘For the LORD and for Gideon.’” Judges 7:17

“Watch me!” “Follow my lead!” “…do as exactly as I do.” Here is a guy who just a while ago was hiding in the winepress threshing wheat! Here was a guy who just a while ago was saying that “I am the least of my family.”  I am reminded of a young man in my youth group an number of years ago. Joey was a very quiet young boy. He was always in the background and would be lost in the crowd. Yet there was something about his young man that always drew me to him. There was this hidden “mighty warrior” in him. He had such passion to worship and learn the things of the Lord. Yet he lacked the confidence as those around him treated him as an outsider. One summer we went on a missions trip to Mexico. This trip was intense and really made my young people get out of their comfort zones. It included a drama presentation and street evangelism. One afternoon the young people went out into the neighborhoods to invite people to the presentation. Joey came back running to me with this look in his eyes and a big grin on his face. I could tell God had done something. He began to share how a mother had asked them to come into the house to pray over her sick child. They prayed over this child and the child was healed right there! The “mighty warrior” began to be stirred as throughout the trip Joey was there in the midst of the sick and they were being touched by God. One man who came with crutches, left walking! Joey was on fire! He came back to our youth group and changed the atmosphere! He was no longer the kid in the back ground, he was the kid who found confidence in God and lived it out! The “mighty warrior” was released!

Can you imagine what can happen to your life, family and business when we walk in the confidence knowing that God will do what he said he will do!

The words “God here is my life use me.”, becomes more than a request, it becomes a lifestyle!

The words “God may my lineage be a blessing to this world.”, becomes more than a hope, it becomes a blessing to others as they see God move through your family!

The words “God is my business partner” becomes more than a cliché, it becomes a reality!

Confidence #2 “Full trust and reliability on God”
Throughout chapter 8 we see Gideon have a different voice about him. His requests are direct and filled with confidence. Yet there is a request that stands out to me. It’s the request of the people. It is an example of what I believe is a result when one stands in confidence. In this case the people ask Gideon to lead them, to set up a dynasty of rulers. The people were hungry for leadership. Yet once again the confidence of Gideon rises to the occasion. He knew his place and the request that the Lord made before him. In the words of Gideon he replies, “I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The LORD will rule over you.” Judges 8:23

At this moment he could have set up a kingdom. He would have been set for life, yet his confidence did not come from the praise of people, it came from God. He fully trusted God that he accomplished what was asked of him and now was to live a life that exemplified God through him! Let us be reminded though that in the midst of fulfilling God’s will, there will be times that we will still have to rise up and lead by action. We see in verse Judges 8:25-27 where Gideon makes an ephod (a richly embroidered, apron like vestment having two shoulder straps and ornamental attachments for securing the breastplate, worn with a waistband by the high priest.). No one knows why Gideon made this ephod. It could have been made to honor God or make the statement that his house would serve the Lord. It could have been made to remind the people what God did and how he used the “least” man. We just do not know. Yet, the passage gives us an insight…

“Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his town. All Israel prostituted themselves by worshiping it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his family.” Judges 8:27

Gideon did not say a thing. Where was the confidence that he had when he tore down Baal’s altar. I do not believe Gideon made this ephod for this very reason, yet he was silent. If there was a fault, it would have been this event. Gideon could have melted the gold ephod down. My question is why? Why would this man who just saw God move through him allow this? Was it overconfidence? Pride? Complacency? We could only speculate. Yet, whatever the reason it became a snare to the family. A lesson that in the midst of God moving through our lives we cannot become over confident. We have seen what happens to an over confident person. It usually ends in disgrace. Proverbs even gives us a warning.

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” Proverbs 11:2
Gideon’s speed bump is another lesson, but should not take away from his obedience and how God used him. Scripture goes on to tell us that for forty years there was peace. Because of Gideon, peace was brought to his people. One man. The least of his family. Seen by God as a mighty warrior. Whatever position you hold, God wants to use you. This world is not looking for a spooky Christian who talks Christian slang in every sentence. “Oh the other day I went to In and Out, where I ordered the double double, thank you Jesus! And as I ate it satisfied my soul…Hallelujah! And when I drank the large Dr. Pepper, ohhh it quenched my thirst like the Holy Spirit…Amen!” This world is not looking for a t-shirt wearing rainbow wig Christian who holds up a John 3:16 sign. They are not looking for the straight and narrow Christian that serves as a board member and is seen as a great church member. This world is looking for a real person with a big God! This world is looking to you! Mighty Warrior, your position is your God given territory to impact those you have contact with. The marketplace is your battle ground against those who doubt. Who seek for truth and want more to life than the emptiness one may experience. Mighty Warrior you have been called for such a time as this to be a Gideon to a generation! To do business differently. To live a life that shares the hope of one who brings life to the lost. I end with the word of the Lord…

“Go in the strength you have….Am I not sending you?” Judges 6:14

His call. His gift to you. Your purpose. Irrevocable.


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