Summer Series: Daniel – A Marketplace Leader

The Book of Daniel is divided into three sections. You have the first section of the book (Ch. 1) giving us an inside look into the life of Daniel. The second section shows his service to the courts of Babylon, where the third gives a prophetic word to Israel. Daniel’s ministry covers the entire seventy year period of the Babylonian captivity where he served as a government official for the kings. Through Daniel, God used him to impact the government he served. At any time Daniel could have been killed for his boldness, courage and lack of compromise. Daniel served four kings throughout his ministry, yet in every situation he was granted favor in their eyes as one who spoke on behalf of the living God. He was an educated man, a noble (Dan. 1:3). Scripture even gives as a look into the characteristics of Daniel as described in verse 4. He was young (teenager 15-17yrs), when taken into captivity. There was no “physical defect” found on him. He was “handsome” and “showed an aptitude for learning”. Daniel was a quick learner and “well informed”. For his captors Daniel was a prize possession who could serve well in the courts of the king’s palace. Yet, if he did not live up to the expectations of these kings he would surly face death.

For the next three weeks we will take a look at the first two sections on the Book of Daniel. It is here that Daniel’s ministry flourishes and gives us great lessons on being an effective leader in the marketplace.

Week 1: Lesson’s on Leadership
Week 2: Marketplace Ministry Means Being Ready at All Times!
Week 3: Characteristics of a Marketplace Leader

Week 1: Lesson’s on Leadership (Daniel 1-2)
Leadership is a process. It does not happen overnight and I personally don’t think it is one that can ever be accomplished. Yet throughout history we see men and women rise up under the circumstance and lead because they were ready to at that moment and time! Vince Lombardi put it this way,

Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.
Through Daniel we see the leadership role defined through a process.

One. A leader stands up for what he believes in.
In verse 8 of chapter one, Daniel does something very bold. He did not partake in the royal food. Why is this something to point out? The food more than likely was sacrificed to the pagan gods of Babylon. Daniel in no way wanted to pollute his body with food that had been sacrificed to some idol. That was a huge statement! Here was a captor who believed in the true living God, yet the Babylonians saw the God of Israel as weak, because they had conquered the land with the “help” of their god. In their eyes, their god was the victor! Yet this young captor said “NO”! I am sure this had an impact on the guard as we see in verse 10. Daniel trusted God and knew that if he would stand for that which he believed in, his Creator would sustain him. God did just that! For ten days they ate vegetables and water only. The result? Daniel and his friends looked healthier and better nourished! From that time on God’s favor fell on Daniel.

People follow those who know where they stand. What do I mean by that? A leader who stands wherever it feels good never earns the respect of those around them. A three time Pulitzer Prize winner, Herbert Swope once said,

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure: which is: Try to please everybody.
A passionate leader who is grounded and stands on a foundation that does not waiver….look out! You have a leader who will blaze a pathway for others to follow! What greater time than now! As I observe culture I believe people are looking for that leader. I believe that is why people responded to Donald Trump in the way they did when he told the Republican Party he was interested in running for president. For a couple of weeks Trump lead some of the polls…and he had not even announced his run for the White House! Hate him or like him, agree with him or not, he was passionate and stood up for what he believed in. People are looking for someone to follow! As a follower of Christ who stands on the principles found in a Christian worldview, I believe the next will follow.

Two. God’s favor falls on a leader.
Because of Daniel’s stand, he found favor in the eyes of the official overseeing his education into Babylonian culture. Have you ever meet someone who is passionate about what they believe? You may agree or disagree with this person, but you have the greatest respect for him or her because you know where they stand! When it came to his faith Daniel did not waiver! I believe that Daniels obedience lead to his blessings! Scripture goes on to tell us that God gave him knowledge and understanding! God equipped Daniel, and we see that after the three years of Babylonian education the king found “Daniel to be ten times greater than all the magicians and enchanters in all the land.” Because God’s favor was on Daniel, God prepared him to do something great! When we step out of our comfort zones and trust in God, his favor will fall on us like a rain storm that we cannot escape from getting drenched! God’s favor falls on those who do not waiver!

Third. A leader will receive opportunities to use their gift.
For three years Daniel learned the ways of the Babylonians. In those three years God was also moving on Daniel’s behalf. It looks like at the same time Daniel was going through his education, King Nebuchadnezzar was having dreams that no one could interpret. King Nebuchadnezzar’s own astrologers even told him that no one except the gods could interpret the dream. In his rage the king ordered that all the wise men be put to death. Daniel at this time was probably serving in the king’s court (at this time Daniel was around 18 to 20 years of age). An opportunity arose to use his gift that God had given to him! He asked the king for some time. Went and prayed with his friends and BAM! God gives him the interpretation to the dream.

As leaders opportunities will rise to use the gifts given to us! While in college I coached soccer at a public high school. In that time I had an opportunity to build a relationship with a player and her family. The father was dying of cancer, and it was adding a lot of pressure to the family. I always made a point to ask how things were going. After games I would talk with the mother who ended the conversation in tears as a sense of loss was inevitable. Every opportunity I had, I asked if I could pray with them. They accepted. Upon his death, they pulled me aside and asked if I would say a few words and prayer at the funeral. What an honor that was. I had known the family for about a year and what an opportunity God gave me to share a little hope to those who sat before me. God will open up opportunities for your gifts to shine and impact those around!

Fourth. A leader is ready at all times to use his/her gift!
Now let me remind you, three years earlier (ch. 1:17), we are told that Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds. God had been preparing Daniel for such a time as this! An opportunity comes and Daniel steps in with his God given gift! He was ready! Once again we see Daniel’s unwavering characteristic. Look at what King Nebuchadnezzar asked him to do.

The king asked Daniel, “Are you able to tell me what I saw in my dream and interpret it?” (2:26)

OK Daniel… tell me my dream and give me the interpretation. Are you kidding me! The king asked Daniel to do the unthinkable, a true test to Daniel’s claim of a living God! Daniel’s reply?

“Daniel replied, “No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. He has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in days to come. Your dream and the visions that passed through your mind as you were lying in bed are these: “

Daniel finishes this exchange with the following words. Listen to the confidence of this young man!

“The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future. The dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy.”

Daniel knew what he stood on. He knew that the favor of the Lord was with him. He saw his opportunity to use his gift. He was ready to use it! Because of this event and the leadership role that Daniel played King Nebuchadnezzar did the following:

“Then the king placed Daniel in a high position and lavished many gifts on him. He made him ruler over the entire province of Babylon and placed him in charge of all its wise men.” (2:48)

Daniel’s characteristics prepared him for a marketplace ministry that expanded four kings in 70 yrs!

His call. His gift to you. Your purpose. Irrevocable.


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