Someone is Waiting for You

OK this week includes participation. So when you see...Play the video clip, press play!

Let's practice...Play the video clip.

Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. You have made my days a mere hand breadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath.
-David (Psalm 39:4-5)

Have you ever felt like Mr. Holland? You have a dream. You have a goal. It plays out in your mind everyday. You even stand in front of the mirror and practice your wave across the stage. You practice your speech with the dog, knowing that one day you will speak before thousands. Yet life happens. Obstacles get in the way. Doubt sometimes sets in. You question your abilities. You even ask yourself "What am I doing here?"...yet you keep moving forward. I know you have heard it many times...its the moving forward that counts! Being a teacher I have asked and experienced each of these emotions. In our culture success is measured by the numbers. How much money do you make? How many members are on your team? How many people attend your church? How many cd's have you sold? How many hits on your blog site? I know that numbers are important, and at times necessary. Numbers measure cash flow and debt. Red Jacket or Directorship. Yet my challenge is this. Whether I have five students or thirty-five in a class. Each student is unique in their special way, and it is my job as a teacher of religion to not only make sure curriculum is taught, but that I speak to their heart. In my fourteen years of teaching I have had a couple hundred walk through my classroom. Whether it be Facebook, coming back to my classroom for a visit or knocking on my home door to say hello, each student in their own way said thanks for my influence in their life. One day I sat down and wrote out what had made me a successful teacher. What made these kids come back to say hello? I came up with 7 Keys of Success that I have stuck by. These keys, whether it be for business or teaching, are important, because we are dealing with people. As a Director, each week you stand before your consultants and teach what you have learned in your business. Your teaching inspires and gives hope. As a National, when you lead a class or conference, you teach others to reach for the stars! You give a visual to the meaning of success and hard work. Each of you try to pull out of those consultants a belief that anything is possible with hard work and belief. Business owners who are successful, are visionaries who know how to teach others to carry the vision! Play the video clip

7 Keys to Success

1. Prayer. As a business owner who acknowledges God as a partner, prayer must be part of your daily agenda. The presence of prayer is the absence of pride. The absence of prayer is the presence of pride. God's revelation for our life is not found by running to the next best thing. It starts by being in his presence. Whether it be personal or in our business, prayer moves the hand of God.

2. God Idea. A God Idea is that which is ordained by God to come to pass. A Man Idea carries the "Look at what I am doing." attitude.
A Man Idea consist of a vision that is touchable. Where a God Idea requires faith to set it free. A Man Idea comes to pass "now". Where a God Idea comes in his perfect timing and order, thus why we need to be ready at all times! Catch the God Idea for your life and business, because there is someone waiting for you to touch the point of their greatest need,

3. Dream Big. Do not let money determine your dream. Do not let location determine your dream. Do not let peers determine your dream. Once you have a dream write it down. Plan for it. Talk about it. Watch God provide. Your dream needs to be so big that it puts a demand on God's miracle, working power!

4. Be Creative When we begin to think outside the box, we then begin to allow God to move on our behalf and open the doors of opportunity that may seem impossible! Play the video clip

5. Step Out When we begin to "do" things outside the box, we put into action our creative ideas! Dreamers, visionaries and champions expect big things to happen!

6. Be Real. Be yourself. Allow God to use your gifts to touch the heart of a person. You touch their mind, you may have them for a day. You touch their heart you may have them for a month. But touch their mind and heart, and you will have them for a life time! Play the video clip

7. Follow up. A simple "How are you?", is powerful! A card that says "I was thinking of you." or "I believe in you" speaks volumes! Mary Kay once said, "Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, 'Make me feel important.' Never forget this message when working with people." Follow up is like the knot in a holds it all together!

Before you know it, time will have passed. Dreams will have come to fruition. Goals will have been met. Success will be defined. Defined. Will it be measured by the accolades or the lives you touched. Accolades are nice and remembered by few. But, lives being touched by you, will be remembered long after you pass! And may the words of our Lord and Savior echo through the halls of heaven...'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' Well done! Play the video clip

His call. His gifts. Your purpose. Irrevocable!


  1. Another great blog Ed. These are such great keys to live by. Great movie too. One of my favorites.


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