Part 1: Rebuilding the Wall


Have you ever woken up, walked into your office and asked yourself..."How did I get here?" Just months ago your business was flying high. Now it lays in ruins. We have all been there. Whatever profession one is in, there will be times that the wall must be rebuilt. It will take courage. It will take boldness. It will take remembering your call and walking in the anointing that God has given to you. We can take a look at Nehemiah and learn from this Jewish cup bearer for King Artaxerxes of the Babylonian Empire.

A quick look at the Book of Nehemiah

Chapter 1. Nehemiah's Call Nearly ninety years had passed from the time King Cyrus let some of the Jewish captives return and rebuild Jerusalem. We learn the state of Jerusalem through the eyes of Nehemiah's brother in Chapter 1:1-11. Nehemiah, who was born in captivity, had never seen Jerusalem. Overtaken by emotion he weeps for the city after finding out that the city is in shambles. Nehemiah's great sorrow and prayer is presented before God for mercy on the people of Jerusalem. The chapter ends with Nehemiah asking God for his favor in the eyes of King Artaxerxes and naming his profession.

Chapter 2. Nehemiah's Mission Nehemiah presents his need before the king, and with Artaxerxes blessing, Nehemiah is sent off to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. We see in verse eleven where Nehemiah secretly inspect the walls. He then urges the people and begins to build the wall. Immediately Nehemiah is ridiculed and he gives a stern response... "The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding, but as for you, you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it." (vs.20)

Chapter 3. The gates and walls are repaired.

Chapter 4. Opposition arises against the work on the wall

Chapter 5. The walls are completed! Within two months the walls are up and the surrounding enemies are afraid because they know that the God of the Jews had helped them accomplish the task!

Chapter 7-13. Revival sweeps through Jerusalem The public reading of the Law is read and the people renew their covenant with God.

Nehemiah is an exciting book! So many lessons in this book that speaks to the heart of every leader! Let me give you some observations that we can learn from Nehemiah.

One. Nehemiah had a vision to rebuild the walls. Remember, Nehemiah had never seen Jerusalem, he had only heard about it. His brother gave him a report that provided the walls of Jerusalem to be in shambles! Yet, in the midst of negativity, he saw Jerusalem complete and whole! As you stand before your torn down walls (business), stand and visualize what your wall will be like when it is complete! So many times we have a tendency to reconsider our decisions and dwell on our failure. We try to create excitement or go back to old ideas because it is comfortable. Yet Nehemiah gives us a great example of tenacity to make the vision a reality. In this case, even if it cost him his life. When the walls are down, it just an opportunity to recreate the wall...a time to rebuild...a time for vision!

Two. Observe your surroundings! Before Nehemiah began to rebuild the wall, he went out secretly to observe the destruction. He needed to acquire knowledge so that he could have the right materials to finish the task! In business trends change. I am not talking about a system. I am talking about a change in trends. What may have worked five, ten years ago may not work today. Just take a look at McDonald's...same system, but upgraded menu and restaurants to fit the "cafe" trend. Your wall coming down could have been the result of doing things that worked five, ten years ago. Now its time to look at your surroundings, take notes and learn! Your vision will require the right materials to rebuild your wall.

Next week....PART 2: Rebuilding the Wall!...working hard, facing opposition and experiencing joy!

His Call. His Gifts. Your purpose. Irrevocable.

Coming in October, Fall Series....The Paul Factor: Impacting the Marketplace!


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