Summer Series Face to Face with God Week 4: Hey God...

When I was a kid, I remember a time when I stayed in the car while my mother went to pick up some groceries. I was about eight or nine years old at the time, and I thought I was the funniest kid around. Construction was taking place in the parking lot, as new pavement was getting ready to be poured. The workers were gone, and everything had been set in place for work the next day. I noticed an older kid playing in the construction site with his bike. One could tell he was pretending to be a motocross biker as he tackled mounds of dirt, as if they were small hills that threw him in the air. Each jump was meet with concentration. Thinking I had an opportunity to have some fun, I cracked the window and yelled, in what I thought was a deep voice, "Hey! Get out of there!". Once the words flew out of my mouth I ducked out of site behind the back seat. Oh, I thought I was funny! I lifted my head so slowly to get a peek of my victim, and it happened, we meet eye to eye. The older boy came to the car and asked me to roll down the window. So with out thinking, I did! The older boy asked me, "Was that you that called me?". Once again with out thinking, I replied, "Yea.". With the wave of his hand he instructed me to pull forward and asked politely, "Stick your head out the window.". Once again without thinking....I did! In an instant that kid socked my in the eye and rode off! If only I would have kept my mouth shut!
I have a student who comes into my class room almost every day with a loud voice, hands waving in the air, "Hey everybody!!". Students who walk bye and say, "Hey, Mr. Limon!". The word "hey" is used as an interjection meaning "you there!". That one word grabs the attention of others where ever you go! It sure grabbed the attention of the boy that socked me!

If you were face to face with God, what would you say? How would you act? For Moses it was an every day occurrence. It was Moses ability to say, "Hey - God if you found favor with me, then teach me your ways so that I may continue to find favor with you." (Exodus 33:13). And God's response, "I will do everything you asked because I am well pleased with you and know you by name." (Exodus 33:17). It was Moses ability to ask, "Hey - God show me your glory.". Gods' response " will see my back..." (Exodus 33:18-23). Moses was not trying to impress God, he was trying to get to know his God! So many times we try to do things that we believe will catch God's attention - "Hey look at me! Look at what I did!". We sometimes may think that if we read or talk in the King James Version that somehow we are elevated to a higher plateau of holiness. It's so simple...just be yourself before God! Due to his upbringing, God to Moses, was another deity, until he meet him face to face at the burning bush! Through His omnipotent power Moses then saw the greatness of his living God as each plague tore down the foundation of the Egyptian religion. Moses wanted to get to know God, his new found maker of his being and savior of his soul! It was because of Moses ability to press in and say, "Hey God....", that he was considered a friend of God. Do you know your God? When was the last time you asked God to show His character and personality with you? When was the last time you heard from God? Do you know the plans He has for your life? What is His purpose and desires for you? If you answered the last few questions with silence, then maybe it is time to say "Hey God....". No cliche's. No mask. No thees or thous. Just a simple, "Hey God....".

Go to for this weeks devotional challenges.

His call. His gifts. Your purpose. Irrevocable.


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