Summer Series Face to Face with God Week 2: A Leader and His CEO

Imagine the excitement in the air as the words "freedom" filled the air! Over four hundred years of slavery abolished! Your grandfather and those before him knew no other life than working for the master of one country. Freedom was now in the palm of your hand and you were not going to let it go! As you pack your belongings you day dream of your future and the possibilities that lay ahead. You have heard Moses talk of a "promise land" that overflows with milk and honey. The God that you thought had forgotten you, has shown up!

In the last year you have seen and experienced all of Gods' omnipotent power! You have seen first hand God's hand move as he sent plague after plague to put to shame the people and the gods of Egypt. As you depart your past, and set foot towards your future, with Egypt behind you and the Red Sea before you, God once again shows his great power over nature that still leaves scientist baffled. With
the Egyptian army coming after you God parts the Red Sea for your escape and the final blow to a proud country, the destruction of her army. Through out the first couple of months of this journey God continues to show Himself by providing all the necessities to survive on this journey. A cloud travels with you at day time to keep you cool and a pillar of fire to provide light and protection at night. You hear people around you begin to complain of their conditions. Dissent begins to creep in as people wish to return to Egypt!

Imagine being Moses. You are the leader. You are the one with the vision. You know that God has spoken to you. Within the last year you have regained your confidence. Your self esteem has risen each day as God proves himself to you. The more you push yourself to know God the more you begin to understand His character and ways. Over your shoulder though were the two million plus people who were not satisfied. You begin to experience what every leader experiences. The pressure. The doubt that sometimes sets in. You begin to question your ability. New challenges and situations. Lets take a step back. While growing up Moses had seen the leadership of family as they ruled Egypt, he was royalty. He witnessed the leadership of the dynasty of Pharaoh, now it was his turn to lead a group of people to a land that God had promised. How did Moses do it? In the midst of all the pressure and challenges that come with being a leader, how did he keep his sanity. I believe it was what I call the Moses Factor! He pressed in to know his God! Nothing was going to stop him from entering into the presence of God! As you read through the next passages take note as to how many times you come across the words, "The Lord said to Moses....". How many times does Moses use the words, "...and the Lord said..."? This is not merely a group of words that is used to tell a story, but words that describe a relationship of one man and a true living God. A God who is still true and living today! Even though man has changed through time, God has always remained the same! As a leader, God was not a crutch for Moses. God was his foundation!


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