Summer Series Face to Face with God Week 1: The Beginning

Everyone has a beginning. No matter ones history, there is always a start. For Moses, that beginning came in a household who were slaves to the Egyptian nation. As the slave population grew, a decree was declared by the Pharaoh: "Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live.". For three months (2:2) Moses mother hid him until it was to risky to hide him any longer. Then she did the most incredible and brave thing. She trusted God! Built a small floating device. Placed it into the Nile, and said good-bye, not knowing where the child would end up. Yet she trusted God. This was Moses "beginning".
Now imagine yourself being adopted into the royal family. You had heard the story of how your mother found you. Every opportunity that your mother had she would remind you of that beautiful day when she pulled you out of the Nile. You were a gift from the gods, and because of that, you were very special in her eyes! Growing up you attended the best schools and was showered with all that royalty could buy. You worshipped the many gods of Egypt and came to respect each one. As royalty you attended the best schools becoming well versed in Egyptian culture and literature. For years you have always had compassion for the Hebrew slaves, because of the kindness and love you were given by a Hebrew care taker when you were a child. You are reminded of the days when your care taker would talk to you about a true living God. Memories would rush back of the days you would sit at her feet as she shared these wonderful stories about their forefathers, Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, and Joseph. Her faith in a true living God impacted your life leaving the question, "Is there such a God?". One day you are riding through the Hebrew (slave )istrict, and run into an Egyptian who happens to be beating a Hebrew slave. Out of anger and fury you jump off your horse, attack the Egyptian, and kill him. Out of fear you flee the land of Egypt and become a shepherd! A shepherd! Considered in Egyptian culture as the lowest form of work. In Egypt you did not associate yourself with these people, it was forbidden! Here you were, the exact same thing you were taught to despise. An encounter with a burning bush that would not burn and a God who spoke to you through that bush! A God who now asked for you to go back to Egypt and be His spokesperson to lead His people out of bondage. Imagine the feelings and thoughts that would crash your mind! Fear of going back and facing Pharaoh, who was looked at as a god. Low self-esteem. Lack of confidence. Imagine the journey from Midian to Egypt. The mind games that would play in your head. Fear would set in and doubt would follow right behind. Maybe you were hearing things out there in the desert, bushes don't talk! Put yourself in Moses shoes, in this case his sandals! What would you have done? What would be going through your mind? Remember Moses was human. He was like you and me. So what made this man so great? I believe that he pressed in to know this true living God. Each encounter with Pharaoh and the plagues that followed built the confidence he needed! Each plague that came was proof to Moses of God's faithfulness and omnipotent power over the very same gods he worshipped as a child. Each plague broke down his beliefs in such a way that he had no one else to go to except God alone! Thus Moses beginning.....face to face with God!

Go to the following web site to find this weeks challenge.

As you read the passages may God speake to your heart.!

His call. His gifts Your purpose. Irrevocable.


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