Irrevocable Call Encouraging Word: 2hrs 10min Lesson

Last October I ran my first 1/2 marathon in San Jose! 13 miles in 2hrs 10min 0sec. My best time! I share this with you not to brag or say "Look what I can do!", but to share a life lesson. This goal began four months prior to the race. In that time I hit the gym and ran 263 miles. I checked it out on a map, just to see the distance and I was blown away. I had run from Salida to Pyramid Lake off of highway 5 on the Grapevine going to LA. 90 hrs of running. Some may ask "Why are you doing this?" Well there are three reasons. One, to prove to myself that I could do it! Second, I never want to be on my death bed and wonder.."What if____?" And third was to be an example to my girls that anything is possible! While running, I kept on thinking about this journey and what it had taught me. I had learned that each step I took was a new record. While training, I remember when I hit the first step after five miles...that step...that one step...that one move forward was the farthest I had ran in my life. Every week when I would add another mile I was going farther than I had ever imagined. 7 miles. Ten miles. 13 miles. Each week was getting easier because I was moving forward.

Lesson one, "Keep moving forward!"

Even though each step I took was a new record, it did not mean that I did not experience pain. Battles in my mind would take place as I heard my body scream...:"STOP!" "YOU CAN'T DO IT!" On the day of the race as I hit mile 6 my leg started to cramp, and once again I heard the screams of doubt. I knew though that I couldn't stop, for if I did my body would shut down, and that would be it. I had to keep moving through the pain. In this business you have to keep moving forward. There will be those who may say you can't...keep moving forward! There will be the battle of the mind that will birth doubt...keep moving forward! There will be days when you want to stop...keep moving forward! With each step forward you are getting closer to your goal!

Lesson two, "Run your own race!"

I have heard this so many times, yet it did not become real to me until I ran the race. I had set a goal to run a ten minute mile and then pick up the pace at 10 miles. That would save my energy till the end. When I began the race, I set my pace, while everyone around me was passing me by. That was hard! I hate being left behind! The competitor in me was yelling "Hurry up!", while my heart was telling me "Easy....". As the tenth mile, cramps and all, I picked up my pace. For the first time I began to pass people! Oh it was awesome! I was even passing people that had passed me back in the early stages of the race! My cramps that was plaguing my success, began to go away! I think my body forgot about the cramps and was enjoying the gratification of passing people! All of a sudden the run was becoming fun! With about six hundred yards to go I gave it all I had and sprinted to the finish line. I heard people yelling out my number as I whizzed by other runners. "Go 5221!!" "Great last kick!!" Then came the finish line...oh what joy! I remember whispering to myself when I crossed the finish line..."I did it." Ladies, run your own race! It does not matter how long your journey takes as long as you finish strong at the finish line. You may see others move your own race! Others may have the full your own race! Do not compare yourself to is important to run your own race!

Lastly, lesson three, "I can't take a step back."

Prior to the run I had set another goal, three half marathons in a two years. One down, two to go. After the race the real challenge began. I needed to keep preparing for the next race. It does not stop. Once again a battle rages in my mind..."Take time off, you deserve it!" I can't! If I take a break, I will take a step back from months of training, I have to keep pressing on! When you reach a goal, don't take a step back, let it propel you forward!

As you end this Seminar year, finish strong! There are only two and half weeks much can happen in that time! Maybe this was a year of disappointment, keep moving forward! Begin planning ahead and setting your goals for the next Seminar year and run your own race! Its not time to take step back! In the words of Mary Kay Ash, "Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as you mind lets you. What you believe, you can achieve." Congratulations on your Seminar 2010 year! Now go get em' for Seminar 2011!

Believing in you!

His call. His gifts. Your purpose. Irrevocable.

COMING June 20: Special Father's Day word
June 27: Summer Series: Moses-Face to Face with God


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