Called to Lift Each Other Up: Raising the Next Generation....Part 2 Give ear to the Law (Psalm 78:1)

Psalm 119 is very unique.  This past summer I was reading through this chapter and the challenge that screams through the pages is loud and clear….Let the Word of God speak for Itself.  Matthew Henry (17th and early 18th Century minister of the Gospel in Chester, England and Bible Commentator) explains Psalm 119 like this,

"The general scope and design of it is to magnify the law, and make it honourable; to set forth the excellency and usefulness of divine revelation, and to recommend it to us, not only for the entertainment, but for the government, of ourselves, by the psalmist's own example, who speaks by experience of the benefit of it, and of the good impressions made upon him by it, for which he praises God, and earnestly prays, from first to last, for the continuance of God's grace with him, to direct and quicken him in the way of his duty.”
Parents…in order to impact our children we must be in the Word and know the Word!  We must set the example of allowing our children see the Word of God come alive in us.  If we are not in the Word how can we refute false doctrine when it enters conversation with our children (Titus 1:9)?  If we are not in the Word how can we have an answer prepared and ready to go (1Peter 3:25)?  Remember Paul’s challenge to Timothy…“But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."

The importance of God’s Word being passed to the next generation is vital!  I would encourage you to read the life of Josiah, king of Judah.  We find 2 Kings 22 – 23:30 a history of a king “who did right in the eyes of the Lord”.  Here was a kid who was appointed king at the age of eight.  It seems the prophet Jeremiah was introduced to him at the age of 21.  Five years later, probably after the influence of Jeremiah, we are told he commanded his scribe to go to the House of the Lord and begin repairing the damages to the temple. It’s at this time, while cleaning the Temple, the high priest said, “I have found the Book of the Law in the house of the Lord.”  Let that sink in.

I have found the Book of the Law….”  What does this tell us?  The Book of the Law was hidden!  Forgotten!  Not being followed!  In verse 11 “...when the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, that he tore his clothes!”.  Once again let the words sink in.  “…when the king heard the words of the Book of the Law."  Besides the influence of Jeremiah, King Josiah had not heard the Word of the Lord prior to this.  How could he?  His father and grandfather had set up idols in the temple and worshiped other gods, including the sacrifice of children.  The practice of witchcraft and spiritualism spread throughout the land.  Yet, it was the Word of the Lord that changed this young man’s heart!  It was the Word of the Lord that brought forth the acknowledgement of his people’s sinful nature and the promises of God.  It was the Word of the Lord that brought forgiveness and God’s redemptive love for his people.  The Word of the Lord so moved Josiah that in 2 Kings 23:3 we read, “Then the king stood by a pillar and made a covenant before the Lord, to follow the Lord and to keep His commandments and His testimonies and His statutes, with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people took a stand for the covenant.”.   The people of Israel had fallen away from God because the Law was not passed to the next generation.  Read chapter 23:4-30, and you will find twenty-three references to Josiah “tearing down” idols and places of worship to other gods.  Better yet, look were Josiah started. 

“And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest, the priests of the second order, and the doorkeepers, to bring out of the temple of the Lord all the articles that were made for Baal, for Asherah, and for all the host of heaven; and he burned them outside Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and carried their ashes to Bethel.” (2 Kings 23:4, NKJV)

Josiah started with the Temple.  The people had set up in the Temple of the Lord idols to the gods Baal and Asherah!  Yes, the same place where we read about the Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant.  Let that sink in!  How did a people who had seen God’s favor in Egypt over 800 years prior and throughout their history turn so quickly against their Savior?  How could a people who built the Lord's Temple under King Solomon nearly 400 years prior lose site of the purpose of this grand structure unto the Lord?  I believe the Law was not passed on to the next generation.  It was not lived out neither was it practiced.
Yet we are told the following about Josiah because he kept the law and tried to pass it on to the next generation.  

“Now before him there was no king like him, who turned to the Lord with all his heart, with all his soul, and with all his might, according to all the Law of Moses; nor after him did any arise like him.”

What a responsibility we have as parents to pass the Word of God to this generation.  Parents let me encourage you….know His Word!  Study it!  Let it burn in you!  Then share it with love to your children through your actions and words.  No Bible thumping allowed!  Accept the challenge that we are given by Paul who writes,

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2Timothy 3:16-17, NKJV)

Here are some Ideas in applying the Word of God in your Family

Family Time: 
There were times after a long week, the weekend became are reboot time.  When Saturdays were busy with school or family commitments, Sunday became the only day to chill.  After everybody was up we would call “Family Time”.  This was our time as a family to come before the Lord.  I believe it is important for our children to see the father as the spiritual leader, so I became the pastor for the morning by calling this special time.  I would share a passage (maybe that I had read during the week).  Other times I would ask Angie or challenge one of the girls to share.  We then would discuss the passage by looking at the observations (What does it say?), interpretations (What does it mean?) and the application (How does it apply to me?).  You don’t have to be a theologian to share God’s Word…let it speak for itself.  To wrap it up we than would share our upcoming week with each other and close by praying for each other. 

This would take 20-30 minutes.
Write a note:                                                                                                                        Take the time to write a short encouraging note that includes a passage for the day.  Text it!  Put a note in the lunch bag!  Leave a sticky note on the mirror!  Be creative, yet let the Word speak to the heart of those you love!   

Ask a question                                                                                                                    There are four questions we use to create dialogue.  We used these with my girls             when they were younger, which we still use to help guide them as they are now young adults:  How do you see the world created?  How do you see human beings? How do you see life after death? How do you determine right or wrong? This gives you an opportunity to share your faith with your children, no matter how old they are.

Send a Podcast
I love listening to John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Ravi Zacharias and others.              Many times I will come across one that speaks to my heart.  When the girls began attending college I would send them a podcast.  To this day I still carry the tradition with a little text that explains and encourages their faith.  Then a few days later I follow up with, “Did you hear _______?  What do you think?”  Even now I will pass the girls in the morning, and I hear MacArthur in the background. Thanks MacArthur…mission accomplished!

Do not Hide
This in no way should be done arrogantly.  Study the Word in a place where your children can see.  This is what I mean.  I like having my study time in the morning at the kitchen table before anyone is up.  Sometimes my children would walk in on me with a good morning kiss.  Sometimes they would see the Bible on the table in the morning and they would know Dad read his Bible.  If I read before going to bed, I left the door open.  Sometimes they popped their head in to say good night, other times they just walked by.  I wanted my girls to see me study God’s Word.  I wanted them to know that besides my proclamation of Christ as my Savior, his Word was important to me. I will never forget this image as a child.  I went over to my grandfather Limon’s house.  Walked through the door and walked towards the hallway.  As I turned the corner there was my grandfather in his room sitting at his chair with the Bible open. As I stepped a little closer without him knowing I could hear him praying.  It is an image that has stuck with me for the last forty plus years!  It is that image I want to create for my girls…an image that shouts God’s Word is important.  Being the spiritual leader of my home, it is my responsibility to set the example!  As the girls grew into    teenagers and even now as young adults, I have walked by their room to see them with their Bible open.  Other times I have accidentally disrupted their study time of God’s Word.  Don’t force it, let it happen naturally and watch what God will do in those moments.  Opportunities will rise that will allow you to speak into the life of your child.

Hope these help!  When you allow the Word of God be the foundation of your life and family, your children will see it.  You got this!  Prepare and study His Word so that you may speak it into the lives of the most important people in your life…your most important ministry.  Your children!

His call.  His gift to you.  Your purpose.  Irrevocable.


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