Called to Lift Each Other Up: Raising Up the Next Generation...Part 3 Do Not Hide the Words (Psalm 78:4)

Think back in time when words from someone you looked up to had an impact in your life. Negative or positive. As a five-year-old I was staying the weekend with grandpa and grandma. As a five-year-old, for some reason I was fascinated with the toilet. I began placing tissue into the mouth of the porcelain monster and would flush it all down with excitement. Until I put too much tissue in and it did not flush…it began to overflow! Afraid that I had broken the toilet I ran and hide under the bed in the next room. Moments passed by until I heard the scream of my grandma as she entered the bathroom. Grandpa came in and saw the mess. Upon their realization, I was nowhere to be found. The frantic cries of my name filled the house. I could see from under my bed the feet of my grandparents going back and forth in the hallway. Then my grandpa stopped in front of my room. I watched his feet with antici...