Our Foundation

When I was younger my family did a lot of camping.  We started with a small camper with a sleeper on top.  When my brother came into the picture the family began to outgrow the camper so my dad and mom purchased a slightly bigger one. This one though was an upgrade, fully decked out with an eight track and speaker system!  My brother and I have great memories of those younger years of traveling and seeing the beautiful backdrops this country has to offer.  Each family member had its role once we parked in our cozy spot.  The boys would get camp ready and all the hook ups in place.  Mom would organize the inside and begin getting a meal ready.  Once done with our chores and a bite to eat my brother and I would take off to explore the campground!  Lots of fun!

Yet one memory stands out to me.  My dad had left the campsite to use the restroom facilities which included full service…hot showers and toilets!  Located in the middle of the campground you made your way carrying your toiletry bag, towel and most importantly you’re flip lops.  Fifteen minutes passed.  Thirty minutes passed.  Forty-five minutes passed.  Then my mother, brother and I noticed that dad was not back yet.  It was kind of odd.  Dad would not spend so much time in the restroom facility.  An hour passed and we began to look around the campground, still no dad.  Another fifteen minutes passed!  By this time, we made it back to the campsite and began to worry.  All of a sudden out of nowhere, with a look of worry on his face my dad showed up!  Anxious to know where he has been, mom asked the question we all were asking ourselves, “Where were you?”  My dad responded, “Stuck in the ladies’ restroom!”  With confusion on our faces, dad continued.  “There I was sitting doing my business, when all of a sudden I hear women voices enter the restroom.  I froze!  Other women came in and out.  I realized I had walked into and sat down in the women’s restroom!  I couldn’t just walk out!  So I waited for a time when it was quite and no women in the restroom.  Then I bolted out!”  With embarrassment all over his face and afraid that someone saw him bolt out of the restroom, my mother, brother and I started bursting out in laughter!  To this day I have the gift of reminding my father of his camping exploits!

If my dad would have just paid attention and read the sign he would not have wasted over an hour sitting down and devising a plan on how he was going to get out!  Why share this story?  Why kick-off IRREVOCABLE with the exploits of my dad?  It’s to raise awareness and ask a simple question.  When was the last time you spent in the study of God’s Word?   In recent years we have seen a shift in our church culture to base our faith on experiential events and contemplation moments splashed with verses that makes one feel good.  Sometimes passages used to support an idea/thought is taken out of context.  What is even more frustrating is seeing fellow believers in Christ accept these moments as Biblical truth.  If only we would study the Scripture, one would not be so swayed so easily.  My father did not take the time to read the sign, thus he was stuck in a comical chaotic limbo for over an hour.  How many of us in our faith are doing the same?  If we are not in Scripture, we allow ourselves to rest in spiritual limbo, looking for the next experience that makes us feel good.  If we are to grow in our faith or not be easily deceived by questionable practices, we then must take 2 Timothy 3:16-17 to heart…

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  (NKJV)

Scripture must be our foundation.  If we are not in Scripture, we will not know the characteristics of an all-powerful, all-knowing, everywhere present God.  We will not know what is profitable for doctrine in the ideas that flood our lives each day.  We will not be able to question or correct the fallacies that creep into our churches.  We will not know how to live a righteous life that is favorable to God and a light to the world.  Church…get into the Scriptures so that you may hear the voice of God shout through the pages you read and not a contemplative experience!   When you study the Scriptures you will hear the cry…“Faith alone!”… and know faith is not based on works or deeds.  You will be reassured by the shout of “Grace alone!”… knowing our salvation is not of our doing but a gift from God!  You will gain the confidence in the midst of ideas, knowing Christ alone and there is no other!  You will understand that your life is not a mistake but wonderfully made to bring glory to God!

Sola Scriptura!  Sola Scriptura!  Sola Scriptura!

His call.  His gift to you.  Your purpose.  Irrevocable.


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