Acids of Truth

The acids of truth are very much alive today as culture tries to redefine and solve its social problems outside the context of a biblical worldview.  I get it…not everybody believes in God or the context of the Bible.  I know many believe that truth is based on self and not some ancient manuscript written by some “old” guys.  In recent weeks we have once again heard the beat of the drum that cries out to God…”We know more than you!  We don’t need you!”  So why are followers of Christ surprised when recent events have poured acid on truth?  The Bible tells us…

“In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”  2 Corinthians 4:4

We are living in a time where reality that once was based on absolutes is now subjective.  Decisions are made based upon the mood, attitude and feelings of man.  An example is what we have seen in recent months…

A man can be called a woman because that’s how he feels.
A Caucasian can be defined as an African American because that’s how she feels.
Marriage is now defined by two people loving each other.                                           
Scripture is seen as a book written for a different time and must be redefined.
Christians must learn to adapt to the new area of enlightenment.
Salvation is based on experience and the expression of ones feelings.

As our culture tries to define or reshape areas of normality, there will always be absolutes, no matter how much man tries to “dress” it up.  In a culture that looks for ways to make its clients happy, we must understand that at the same time it’s deceiving its customers.  Followers of Christ, near and far……we have come to a place where the body of Christ must be counter cultural!  Where acid has been poured on truth, we must raise an articulate biblical vision that answers the definition of right and wrong; marriage; sexuality and the accuracy of the Scriptures.    It will not take a “revival” or new “Jericho March” in our churches to see a transformation!  How can we ask God for a transformation of culture if our own lives do not reflect the very transformational power of our Savior Jesus Christ?  We cannot ask for a transformation in our culture until we ask for one in our own lives.  Transformation will take place when there is a movement towards the repentance of our sin

movement towards the application of God’s Word/Scripture in our life that ask the question, “What does the Scriptures say?”

movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives that draws us closer to God and builds the confidence we need to live a counter cultural life.

I close with this challenge.  In listening to former Christian philosopher Francis Shaffer, I was challenged by the question he asked.  “What is the loyalty to Christ worth to you?”  Let that sink in!  As we experience the questioning of man’s loyalty to Christ, we must step back and ask that very same question.  And it starts by………….
repenting of our sins and presenting our lives as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to Him.

His call.  His gift to you.  Your purpose.  Irrevocable.


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