The Bible is Our Foundation

It seems to me better to get the Book of books for food for your soul, for the strengthening of your faith, and the building up of your character in God, so that all the time you are being changed and made to walk with God.   – Smith Wigglesworth

As followers of Jesus who profess our faith and the claim that God is all powerful (omniscient)...all-knowing (omniscience)...everywhere present (omnipresent) we must jump into God's word. To be effective followers of Christ in the marketplace, the word of God must be at the tip of our tongues when it seems we are faced with difficult decisions. It is God's Word that must sustain us when it seems hard, and we want to throw in the towel. It must be God's Word that lays the foundation of all ethical decisions made when it comes to serving and leading others. When we ask God to move in our life, three things will happen: 

1. A movement towards God's Word...

2. A movement towards Restoration (to bring back into existence, use, or the like) from sin in
    our lives that separates us from God....

3. A movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

What are you waiting for?  Step into God’s Word and be refreshed!

His call.  His gift to you.  Your purpose.  Irrevocable.


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