Summer 2013 Series: Trust Me.
Trust: means to
have confidence; to rely on; entrust with something; to believe in. It is powerful, yet requires one to submit to
I will admit this can be
hard! “I” want to get direction and move
my paths. “I” can be impatient. “I” can get in the way of what God wants to
accomplish in my life. We may have heard
this many times in our life…..
in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He
shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5
Yet for me on this day I am reminded of God’s words, “Trust
Me.” A new chapter begins in a few weeks
as my eldest heads off to college…”Trust Me.”
Career choices…”Trust Me.” Profession obstacles…”Trust Me.” Family decisions…”Trust Me.” D.L. Moody once said,
"Trust in yourself and
you are doomed to disappointment
Trust in money and you may have it taken from you;
But trust in God, and you are never to be confounded in time or eternity."
Trust in money and you may have it taken from you;
But trust in God, and you are never to be confounded in time or eternity."
When observing Proverbs 3:5, we see five things. One, Trust in the Lord. Two, with all your heart. Three, lean
not on your own understanding.
Four, acknowledge Him. Five, make
your paths straight.
Join us for the next few
weeks as our Summer 2013 Series: Trust Me! takes a look at this very famous passage and
how it applies to our life.
Part 1: Trust In The Lord – I will
share a few observations that I learned concerning my relationship with my nephew
and how it relates to us and our relationship with God. When we trust God in all situations, He
declares new things into our life that will bring praise and glory to Him and
create worth for our lives! Isaiah 42:5-9
Part 2: With All Our Heart - Our
culture is very selfish. We have so many
things tugging at our heart that sometimes our relationship with God becomes a
ritual. In a Facebook page world you do
not want to miss this! Isaiah 59
Part 3: Lean Not On Your Own Understanding - You may have heard this many times…. “It’s
my life! I’ll do what I want!” We consult others when trials come our way, because
once again…(say it with sarcasm) ”It’s our life.” Yet Isaiah ask a simple
question, “…should not a people inquire of their God?” Isaiah
Part 4: Acknowledge Him – A message to the
men out their! We will learn Hezekiah’s
hard lesson and how that applies to us today.
Fathers! It’s time to tell your
children the faithfulness of God to your children! Isaiah 38
Part 5: Make your paths Straight - The end
result of TRUST. When God acts, there is
no one who can reverse His movement in our lives! A man idea may come to pass, BUT a
God must come to pass! Isaiah 43:10-13
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