Who would of thought that a Mary Kay Directors trip to Puerto Vallarta would birth a dream. I went with the intentions to take in the views, yet came back so blessed by the new friends that I met and the memories created with those we have known for years! Let me explain. Friday morning National Sales Director Cyndee Gress asked if I would lead the Sunday morning service for our group. I said "Of course, it would be an honor." So began my discussion with God. "Lord, what do You want me to say to these ladies and their spouses? In no way I want to waste any one's time, so Lord speak through me." The Lord reminded me of a passage that has impacted my life, which is a reminder to me of His favor. Romans 11:29 says, "...for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable." As I shared and wrapped up the morning service, I was reminded of a prayer a number of years ago. God had began putting on my heart a ministry to Christian business owners. You see, I belie...
It has been nearly 31 years since my grandfathers death, and 11 years since my grandmothers. I will admit, I miss them. I wish they could have seen what their influence created. Yet I know that one day we will be reunited, and what a day that will be! As an adult, I spent allot of time with my grandmother. I enjoyed her company and loved being in her presence. When she was diagnosed with cancer my time with her became even more special. She was a great cook! She would make Puerto Rican dishes that was off the hook!!! Yet I knew that if I did not learn from her before she passed, I would never know how to make those special dishes. So one weekend I had grandma over and we spent time in the kitchen cooking! It was so much fun! It was like watching Picasso paint a picture! She taught me to make some Puerto Rican dishes that to this day I cook with her in mind! You know there is a passage in Jeremiah that reads: While Jeremiah was still confined in the courtyard of the guard, the word of t...
Wanting to beat the Thanksgiving crowd we left Southern California late last night and arrived home this morning …2:30am to be exact! We had a great visit with family. Good food! Lots of laughs and good memories! As our families grow, each visit gets harder and harder to leave. After a visit with my brother and his family, we took off into the night to catch the 99. During the drive home you get some thinking time, and I kept coming back to the last words of my “good-bye” with Sandy, my brother’s mother-in-law…”Enjoy life.” Those words, so simple, yet hit me like a ton of bricks. Let me explain. Sandy and Lloyd are missionaries. Lloyd is a contractor at heart, and so he uses his gift by building churches and orphanages overseas. Sandy loves people! When you walk into her presence you sense the love of God flow out of her. She always looks for ways to serve the locals wherever she is at. This couple has traveled the world and impacted so many lives! Including mine! I had the opportuni...
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