Preparing the Body of Christ Series: Part 4 – “Who do you say that I am?”

Peter was asked this question, “Who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15, NIV) Peter’s answer defined Jesus. “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Those few words have turned a culture upside down. Peter’s answer set the stage for a debate that has lasted for centuries. Today the challenge is more evident as culture tries to take the divinity out of Christ and make him into an ordinary man who happened to be holy. The answer brings us to fork in the road, either Christ is the Son of God, the Messiah or he is not. The church must rise up and provide an answer in this age of information, for if we do not, someone will deconstruct the very figure of Jesus Christ. What a great opportunity we have to share the hope of Christ. We live in a time where everything is relative, even in the areas of faith. The doors of opportunity are opening and if we do not have the answer to the “why’s” and the “what’s”, we will miss that chance to be used by God. Our culture cries for all religions to get along. They say that all religions are the same, yet are they? Each of the major world religions defines Christ in a very different way than what we read in Scripture. In Islam he is a holy man, who did not die on the cross but was switched prior to the cross. In Hinduism and Buddhism he was an enlighten man. In Judaism he was a wise rabbi. Others state Christ was the brother of Satan or the transformed body of Michael the archangel. All cannot be right at once. One can only be true. That my dear friend, is where we must define and dig for the truth. Either Christ is who he said he was, or he lied. Each year we see Christ becoming defined by our culture as a man who was holy, yet not divine. To define Christ historical figure, secular theologians are deconstructing the life of Christ and if culture can bring Jesus to the place of equality to all man, then the debate is over and Christianity becomes a religion with no absolutes. Is the church ready to give an answer to the claims it makes? Are you? I challenge you to prepare your mind and heart to be ready for the greatest evangelistic event in history. An event that will not start at the altars of our churches, but with you! Sunday school answers will not work. Big huge events may become the thing of the past. It will be your witness and answers that will plant the seed of faith. It may even be the place of watering or the time of harvesting! Prepare yourself to have an answer for the hope we have in Christ!

His call. His gift to you. Your purpose. Irrevocable.


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