“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
-Maria Robinson

On this 100th post I would like to dedicated it to my auntie.

Angela was born on January 1, 1925 in Pearsal, Texas to my grandparents Gerardo and Sostenes Limon. She was the second child of six born to my grandparents. In 1930 the family moved to Monterey, Mexico where they resided for a number of years before moving back to the United States in the early 40’s. Angela was my auntie…mi tia. She was 87 years old and died from her disease of dementia that she battled for over five years. Last night was her memorial service and today we bury her. Yet in the midst of sorrow there is joy! First, the joy of knowing that mi tia is with the Lord! Even though she struggled to remember names and faces, she knew how to pray and sing the chorusitos (little hymns) from church. I remember one of the last times that I saw here, she was in the middle stages of her illness and in our conversation she said, “Mijo, You love the Lord?” “Yes, tia..I love the Lord.” She replied with a sparkle in her eye, “Gooood, Goood,….Always serve the Lord with all your heart.” It amazed me that even in the midst of her remembering who I was, she was aware of the importance of others knowing her Savior! Even until the last couple of days of her life, it was said that she would break out singing her chorusitos, remembering each word as if it was the day she learned it.

While sitting and observing my surroundings last night, I could not help but to realize the generations that were represented. Many of the faces I knew as a child now adorned grey/white hair, wheel chairs, and walked very slow. The wrinkles of life showed and the realization of “when will my time come” loomed among us. For me many of the elders in the sanctuary were my age twenty, thirty years ago. As I sat there and thought about that, it made me appreciate life. The legacy my tia left my generation, which is passed on to my children. As they hear the stories of a woman of faith to the very end, I pray that the example left will carry on through them. Looking at the video presentation and seeing pictures of my tia as a teenager, young adult, and mother, made me thankful of her legacy. She blessed me so many times throughout my life. Whether it was coming home from college and her saying, "I am praying for you mijo." To receiving in the mail while at school a $20 bill with a note, "Praying for you today and the Lord told me you needed this." And I did! When I received that letter my car was on fumes and I was waiting on a paycheck. That $20 bill filled my tank and left me with some left over. What a blessing at the right time! She blessed me so many times that way!

So here I sit with a challenge….what will I do with the time God grants me? What will you do with the time God has granted you? How important it is to know where we are going. And even if we don’t, continuing moving forward and being prepared for that right moment when the Lord says, “NOW!” Live your life in such a way that leaves a legacy. My tia may not have left allot of wealth, but boy did she leave a treasure…her faith! Gracias tia por su ejemplo y amor a lo largo de los años!

His call. His gift to you. Your purpose. Irrevocable.


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