2011 Fall Series: Gideon - The Leader Within! Part 1

Some are loud. Others are quiet. Where one may be bashful, another may be comfortable in front of others. Whatever the moment or time, men and women rise to be great leaders, sometimes without even knowing that the calling of a leader rest in them. Some hide their leadership and some can’t wait to lead. I believe that each generation awaits a leader to lead the call towards greatness. In our culture few leaders have risen and many have fallen. I will admit, in whatever profession it’s hard to be a leader these days. I believe it is because what has been seen as right is seen as wrong. And what has been seen as wrong has now been accepted as right. That can cause a leader to hide and hold back. If there is a time for leaders to rise it is now!

We will take a look at Gideon’s fears, testing, and confidence in these next few weeks. Let’s begin our study on Gideon.

Scripture tell us that the people had turned away from the Lord. If we look back a few chapters we can see that this was a cycle. In chapter Judges 2 we are told of the following,

“After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel. Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD and served the Baals. They forsook the LORD, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt. They followed and worshiped various gods of the peoples around them. They aroused the LORD’s anger because they forsook him and served Baal and the Ashtoreth’s. In his anger against Israel the LORD gave them into the hands of raiders who plundered them. He sold them into the hands of their enemies all around, whom they were no longer able to resist. Whenever Israel went out to fight, the hand of the LORD was against them to defeat them, just as he had sworn to them. They were in great distress.” Judges 2:10-15
After one whole generation the people did not know of the great things the Lord had done for them in Egypt. Remember the book of Exodus? Moses? God’s Glory visiting the people at Sinai? The Promised Land? All that God had accomplished and what the people saw were not passed on to the next generation. This generation got complacent because they did not know their past. The areas of right and wrong were thrown in chaos and the people began to decide for themselves whom they should follow. Let’s fast forward 160-180 years and we see the struggle of a nation as they once again turned from the Lord.
For seven years the Midianites, who were nomadic, had tormented the Israelites from the south by bringing their livestock and taking everything from them every year when the pastures were green and the wheat harvest was ready (April-May). In the midst of their troubles, Scripture tells us that the Israelites remembered their past and called to God for help. A prophet is sent to them and he reminds them of their wickedness. Which leads us to our first lesson….

Identifying the Fears
Before we get to the main point, we need to first point out the fears of Gideon. Like all of us at one time or another, fear can cripple us. To become a great leader one must learn that fear is an obstacle, yet an opportunity to allow God to move on our behalf.

Fear #1: Hiding from the Midianites
“…Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianites.” Judges 2:11

Because of the Midianites we find Gideon hiding and threshing the wheat that had been harvested. This must have been tedious work because this was something that was done outside. It was not work to be done in a winepress. It also tells us of Gideon’s fear. His family’s wheat/crop must have been taken before. Yet for Gideon, this time the Midianites were not going to take the crop! His actions shows us his heart and mind.

Fear #2: I’m not Important
“Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” Judges 2:15

Ever felt worthless? Job? Business? Have you ever had that conversation with yourself…”I’m not important. I’m just a consultant…teacher…janitor…mom and pop store…ect,” You fill in the blank. Here Gideon is complaining concerning his circumstance with the angel of the Lord. The angle tells him of his inner strength…pretty much when one tells you, “You can do it! I believe in you!” “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” Judges 2:14 Yet Gideon tells him, “Can’t do it! I’m from the weakest clan. I am a nobody.”

Fear #3: I’ll do it when no one is watching….
“So Gideon took ten of his servants and did as the LORD told him. But because he was afraid of his family and the townspeople, he did it at night rather than in the daytime.” Judges 2:27

The fear of what people will say can hinder one moving forward. In this case, Gideon wanted to keep it a secret. Oh, he still did what the Lord asked of him, just when no one was looking, at night when everyone was asleep! Being a leader requires being seen and heard. Sometimes being a leader requires doing something against the norm. While in high school, a peer of mine was cheating on his test. His buddy and he were passing answers back and forth. Everyone saw him, except the teacher. No one said a thing. Feeling frustrated and angry (because this was a Christian school), I felt I needed to say something, yet the battle of, “What will people say about me?” swamped my mind. I thought for sure I would get called out for an after school fight. So, I made the call…I raised my hand for the teacher to come to my desk. As she approached, my heart was ready to jump out of my body. She replied, “Yes?” “Mrs. Johnson “so and so” is cheating on their test.” All eyes were on me, especially the two boys who were cheating. A few choice words were said after class, but that was the last time those two cheated in class! My peers knew where I stood and from there on began to respect my faith and the area of absolutes in my life. Funny thing, a few weeks later the same guys and their friends had a question about God, guess who they came to? People are watching. You can never be a great leader by being a “behind the scene” person. Even though “behind the scene” people are important to make a dream come true, they are just that, behind. A leader is always in the fore front. What is interesting about this certain passage is that Gideon had some leadership skills…he took with him ten of his servants to help him. That required a plan. Selling the plan to the servants, because they too could get in trouble. Executing the plan and making it happen!

Fear #4: I don’t know if I can do this.
God had just scaled Gideons army from 22,000 men to 300! He was given a task that seemed impossible. By all means this was impossible! Scripture tells us that the “Midianites, Amalekites, and other eastern people” were thick as locust. 300 vs thick as locust! The camels were described like that of sand on the seashore. You can imagine Gideon looking at the situation and saying…”This is not going to work, We are outnumbered!” Now once again, God had told Gideon, “I’m with you!” But fear does some crazy things. Fear whispers doubt and insecurities.

At half time my girls came off the field exhausted yet confident. It was an important match against one of our rivals and they were sticking with them! To change the game around I decided to mark their best player with one of ours. I had the perfect match and knew should would do great. As I shared the plan with the team and pointed her out, I received look of fear and doubt. “What?” I asked. Here response, “I can’t do it.” “Yes you can! I know you can”, I replied. “I can’t.” I will admit I was angry. So I looked at my team and said, “Fine, who will step up?” One of my captains (a leader) said, “I will!”. Fear paralyzes us and gets in the way of accomplishing something great.

The Main Point.
Looking back at Gideon’s fears, each one caused an excuse. Yet the main passage I want to point out today goes back to the beginning of Judges 6:12.
“When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior.”
Did you hear that? In the midst of Gideon’s fear, the angel of the Lord called him “mighty warrior”! People, the Lord saw greatness in Gideon even before he did!

A number of years ago I was in the church foyer with my family and ran into my auntie Sissy. She was talking with some friends, so we waited patiently to say hello. When she noticed us standing to her side she gave a big hello with a big hug and kiss for each of the girls. She was so happy to see us as we were of her. Yet my auntie did something that I will never forget. As she introduced us to her friends she began to share with them where I taught and how proud she was of me. Then she said, “He has always been a go getter.” Those words shook my core. At that moment in my life I was questioning my call and my purpose. I was unsure of myself and was ready to take a different direction in my life. The words, “I don’t know if I can do this” began to take its place in my heart and mind. My auntie saw in me what I could not. She saw my greatness. She saw my “fighting” attitude. Those words melted my insecurities and doubt.

May I speak the word of the Lord into your life as I write these words…
“Arise mighty warrior, the Lord is with you!”

Look at the promises the Lord gives to Gideon.

“The LORD turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” (Judges 6:14)

“The LORD answered, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive.” (Judges 6:16)

My friends, the Lord sees you, his creation, as mighty men and women equipped with gifts that are irrevocable! The name of this blog is more than just a catchy name, it cries out the very purpose and meaning of a God who will never ask you to accomplish that which you could never do! Because of Gideon’s fear he could not hear the very words that spoke from heaven… ”I believe in you!” The promise given to Gideon is an example of God’s promise with you. Whatever the endeavor. Whatever the task. Whatever the vision. God sees the outcome of our obedience, even when we do not! He seeks men and women who are willing to press through their fears, trusting in Him to give strength in time of need. May your business be one that goes against the norms of culture. May your position be used to be a living example of God’s glory in one’s life. May the anointing of the Lord fall upon you, and your businesses! May you and your dreams be a blessing to a culture in search of leaders who have a higher calling than self. Evantrepenuer, step forward, for the Lord is with you!

His call. His gift to you. Your purpose. Irrevocable.


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