Spring Series: Leaders: Stand in MY Council to Recieve Your Word

For who among them has stood in the council of the LORD to see and to hear his word, or who has paid attention to his word and listened? Jeremiah 23:18

The leaders of Jeremiah's time were speaking words that were meant to bring a calmness to the people, yet danger was around the corner. God's challenge to the leaders was very simple and applicable today.

Two things stand out in this passage:

1. "to see and hear his word".

I cannot remember what grade I was in, but it was in elementary school. I was very disruptive in class and was sent to the principle's office. I remember being led into his office by the Secretary and being told to sit down and wait for Mr. Franklin. The silence of his office already made me feel uncomfortable. Yet when he walked in and said, "Mr. Limon." I sank in my chair. After a little talk he ended the conversation with opening his drawer and pulling out a paddle. He said a few more encouraging words with the paddle in my sight and sent me on my way. It must have worked, because that was the last time I ever went to the principle's office! I had received a revelation! Be obedient and respectful or I am back in the principles office. Mr. Franklin's words changed my outcome.

Leaders in the marketplace not only lead by their actions, but by the revelation given to them. Who is giving you insight to change your surroundings? Whose words are piercing your heart? Are you dependent on the words of others or the One who created the very words we speak? Are you looking for direction from those who have a certain system or the One whose system is all perfect. Are you looking for direction from others or from the One who knows the plans He has for you? Now please, do not get me wrong...motivational speakers, pastors and yes even these entries may challenge the heart of its recipients. There have been many times that God has used others to speak to my heart. Yet when those words pierce my heart it brings me to the very council of God. As a leader, what is God's word saying to you? Stand in the Council of the Lord to receive the word that will change not only your life but the lives you touch in the marketplace! What we need from our leaders, more than anything, is a word that comes from the throne of God! Look at the self help books that shower the bookshelves at Barnes and Noble. "According to a Market data Enterprises market report, the U.S. self-improvement market is worth $9.6 Billion. Personal coaching & infomercials do best. (The US Market For Self-Improvement Products & Services Market data Enterprises Inc. September 1, 2006)" People are looking for something to believe in. They are looking for answers. You who profess the belief in an all-knowing, everywhere present, all powerful God have the opportunity to give a word that comes from the throne of God to impact the masses! What lacks from our leaders today? A WORD! As I write this, I too am challenged by what is being written. I want no empty words to fill the air when I stand before my students or those that I speak to. An effective leader has the right words at the right time! The marketplace needs you! Be ready because God will open a door to use you!

2. "Who has listened and heard his word?"

When we stand in the Council of the Lord we have a choice. Either accept the word given to us and obey or do our own thing. I had a choice to make with the words given to me by Mr. Franklin. He gave me a revelation. Obey or I would be seeing him in the very near future! So many times we think we have the greatest ideas. Yet, God shares an idea with us, it must come to pass! We must not only hear the word of God for our business, we must do what the word of God says for our business. To impact the marketplace is to impact a world in need of something to believe in. So many people think that ministry is the only place one can be used by God. I am here to say NO WAY! Your business is the platform in which one can impact the marketplace! What is God saying about the ministry of your business? What is He asking you to do through your business? I believe that when business owners and those of wealth see their business as an extension of God's tool, they will see blessings come there way financially, emotionally and eternally!

Whenever we take a look at the miracles that took place in the Bible, the majority of them took place outside the four walls of a building! Christ asked us to be a light to the world. That means you and me! Not a building. Your business can be a light to the world! The challenge?

Stand in MY Council to receive your word! -God

Check out this exciting video on how God is using business owners in the marketplace to impact their clients and employee's lives!

His call. His gifts for you. Your purpose. Irrevocable.


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