From the Classroom: Little by Little

One of my students has an iphone. So I asked to borrow it for an illustration. As I showed off the phone, I went over its details and the technology of the phone. I buttered it up! After I had my students salivating, I threw them the big fat curve ball..."Who pays for all of this?" All of a sudden I could see the wheels turning in their brains. Sheepishly, some replied, "Mom and dad." My response, "Once you are on your own, will they continue paying for it?" BOOM! The realization sunk in! I then went for the kill! I asked, "How many drive a car?" Hands shot up! Then I let them have it..."Who owns the car? You or your parents?" As quick as the hands shot up, they came down. BOOM! BOOM! The challenge that I had for my students was for them to have a plan! The ATM of Mom and Dad will not always be there, if they wanted to live with the luxury's they grew up with, it was going to take a plan to get where they wanted to be.

Solomon writes,
Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. -Proverbs 13:11

One lesson I have learned is that everyone wants a piece of your money! Take a look at all the commercials! Can you say, Home Shopping Network! It is important that we step back and not only ask who is asking for my money, but, am I willing to depart from it? Of course there are necessities that we need. Yet if we do not have a plan on how to save and create wealth, the blessings given to us will fall between our fingers like sand! Look at the passage..."whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow"! Creating wealth is a journey, not a trip to downtown and back!

From the Class Room Questions:
1. Looking at your personal finances, and then to your business, what behaviors
need to change in order for you to have a cash flow? Write a list and tackle the
three of the most important.

2. America has a negative savings ratio of -6%. France, with the highest ratio, is
at 15%. Debt is a killer. Referring to your personal or business finances. Do
you work to pay of debt or save for your future? If it is to pay off debt, how
much debt have you acquired and what is your plan to get out of it?

3. What are you doing to educate yourself financially? What books have you read
this past year that has benefited you in financially educating yourself?


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