Business Through the Eyes of Solomon: I Call Her Blessed!

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Proverbs 31:28

Passage to be read: Proverbs 31

As we wrap up this series, lets just recap real quick the lessons learned from Solomon concerning business.

One, as a leader Solomon knew that in order to be effective, he needed the gift of wisdom. He was asking for wisdom from above! In other words Solomon was feeling a little overwhelmed and was asking an all knowing God to give him ideas and discernment when it came to being a leader.

Two, the word "establish" found, institute, build, or bring into being on a firm or stable basis; to bring about permanently. That means that the dream/vision that God has birthed in you becomes permanent with the counsel of your team! Oh, there will be obstacles. There will be the doubters. There will be the mockers! But you will become unstoppable because of those who you have surrounded yourself with! You will succeed because you planed ahead!

Three, what's your plan? Is it to become a National? Director? Build a strong Unit? Is it to be a financial blessing to your family or an organization? Is it to one day help build an orphanage or support missionaries in other countries? Whatever the dream, work your plan! Write it out. Tell someone who will keep you accountable (your National or Director is a good start!). Then WORK YOUR PLAN and watch what God will do! Never give up! Never submit to the voices of "You can't!". Never give in!

Four, as we plan ahead by surrounding ourselves with people who will help us to succeed and begin to work our plan, integrity must become the foundation we build on. When we do not walk in integrity, we will lose out in being used by God. Let integrity be the foundation that “works the plan” and the characteristic of those whom you surround yourself with. Let integrity unveil the favor of the Lord on your life!

Five, the amount you give, God will give it back to you! You can never out give God. God wants to bless you, but it starts with giving. You increase, by giving.

This week I end with Proverbs 31. The book was not written by Solomon, but by a King named Lemuel. Chapter 31 includes the words of King Lemuel's mother. We do not know too much about this King, but the words of his mother has set the standard for men looking for a wife. As a young man this passage became my prayer, that God would bring my a Proverbs 31 woman. God does answer prayers! Yet there are so many lessons in this passage about a woman. Her character. Strength. Duty. Love. Compassion. And Love for God.

In Proverbs 31 we find her to be of noble character. Meaning that she lives a life with distinctive traits that surpass anyone. How do we know? The writer says "She is worth FAR MORE than rubies." She provides for her family (vs 13-15; 21-22; 27). She makes goods and sells them. (vs 16-18; 24) He continues the praises of this woman by stating that she is clothed with strength and dignity (vs 23). She is wise and is a great example of a Godly woman (vs 26). Compassion is expressed to those in need (vs 20). This woman "surpasses them all!" (vs 29). But the greatest compliment given to this woman..."Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her!" In short this woman was a loving, entrepreneurial, God fearing woman who wanted what was best for her family!

Ladies I end this series with this. Be strong!

A Proverbs woman is not weak. She is powerful!

A Proverbs woman never gives up. She finds a way and makes it happen!

A Proverbs woman loves God with all her heart, so that her children will know of His love for them.

A Proverbs woman is wise. She instructs and equips those around her to be powerful women, just like her.

A Proverbs woman dares to move forward.

A Proverbs woman is YOU! Arise and be called blessed!

"Give her the reward she has earned, and let her words bring her praise at the city gate." Proverbs 31:31

Believing in you!

His call. His gifts. Your purpose. Irrevocable!

Next Week: Conduct Yourself....


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