Business Through the Eyes of Solomon: I Call Her Blessed!

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Proverbs 31:28 Passage to be read: Proverbs 31 As we wrap up this series, lets just recap real quick the lessons learned from Solomon concerning business. One, as a leader Solomon knew that in order to be effective, he needed the gift of wisdom . He was asking for wisdom from above! In other words Solomon was feeling a little overwhelmed and was asking an all knowing God to give him ideas and discernment when it came to being a leader. Two, the word "establish" found, institute, build, or bring into being on a firm or stable basis; to bring about permanently. That means that the dream/vision that God has birthed in you becomes permanent with the counsel of your team! Oh, there will be obstacles. There will be the doubters. There will be the mockers! But you will become unstoppable because of those who you have surrounded yourself with! You will succeed because you planed ahead ! Three, w...