Lets get it started!

Who would of thought that a Mary Kay Directors trip to Puerto Vallarta would birth a dream. I went with the intentions to take in the views, yet came back so blessed by the new friends that I met and the memories created with those we have known for years! Let me explain. Friday morning National Sales Director Cyndee Gress asked if I would lead the Sunday morning service for our group. I said "Of course, it would be an honor." So began my discussion with God. "Lord, what do You want me to say to these ladies and their spouses? In no way I want to waste any one's time, so Lord speak through me." The Lord reminded me of a passage that has impacted my life, which is a reminder to me of His favor. Romans 11:29 says, "...for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable." As I shared and wrapped up the morning service, I was reminded of a prayer a number of years ago. God had began putting on my heart a ministry to Christian business owners. You see, I believe that God is going to raise up men and women to do great things with their businesses. Business will become blessings and there financial wealth will be used for God's glory. I just did not know how it was going to happen. So my prayer went something like this, "Lord I know you have called me to reach my generation with your hope and purpose. You have given me gifts to use. So use them! So now Lord I ask to give me opportunities to speak to those who can impact their world in a very unique way...business owners." Here I was about four years later and God in his unique way, reminded me that His call and gifts are irrevocable. As I went back to my room, I was in awe. God had answered a prayer! I remember telling Angie, "That was the coolest thing!" Then it happened! National Sales Director Thea Elvin watered the seed that God had planted. Her words of encouragement and belief in me began stirring something that had been planted years before. Could this be the ministry God was birthing in me? Was this it? Was Mary Kay going to have a part in this journey? As we left Puerto Vallarta, I will never forget Thea's word's, "Ed, if it is of God you will have ideas popping in your head left and right. Make sure you write them down. And go for it!" Well, here we are. A start. One thing I have learned through Mary Kay is that when there is no action, nothing will happen! Action keeps the dream alive. So to get he ball rolling it is the mission of Irrevocable Call to encourage those involved in business to understand that God's call and gifts our irrevocable. For such a time as this God has given us an opportunity to be used by Him to impact a generation. A web site will be created in the future, so watch for details. As for now I will commit to sharing a few words that will be posted every Monday. If you like what you read let me know and pass on this site to others. I pray that God will use this site as a tool to encourage those that need to be lifted up. His call. His gifts. Your purpose. Irrevocable.

The following video is dedicated to all Mary Kay Nationals, Directors and Consultants...

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  1. Wow Ed this is amazing!!! I'm so glad that Angie passed this site onto us last night. What an awesome tool you have given us. I strive to make sure God is leading my business and this is great reference to his word that I am on the right track. Can't wait to take a look at the rest of your archives to see what I have missed. But let Angie know I'll try to do it early morning or evening (HAHA). Thanks so much for passing your gift to us. May God continue to bless your new site. Have an awesome week.


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