Saying Good-bye to America's Pastor....Billy Graham

This past week our nation said good-bye to “America’s Pastor”, Billy Graham. After 64 years Billy Graham served God well. Reaching millions throughout the world, Billy Graham never wavered. As I watch the videos and listen to the reflection of many, it wasn’t his sermons that made such a difference, it was his life. He lived it out! No scandals. No weird theology. No fluff in his messages or crusades. Simple. It was that, which I believe people were attracted to such a man. He lived out his faith and in return people trusted his words. In observing this past week’s events three things stood out to me concerning the death of Billy Graham. I know this may sound weird to a generation that questions God/religion or a church that has become politically correct. Yet, I truly believe the words spoken this past week by many and the reflection of Billy Graham’s ministry was a warning to the c...